Healing Ocean

“God said, ‘Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place...and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:9-10)

When God created the ocean, he also created a reflection of himself. What does the ocean mean to you? It is majestic, shiny, enormous, it is....calming. 

Next time you’re at the beach, look at it, listen to it, and breathe it. The days I’ve spent by the beach are the days I have slept better, and I have felt relaxed afterwards. 

Just like our great creator, the ocean can also be healing for the mind, soul and body.  In functional medicine the sea salt and the saltwater are considered beneficially to the human body.  Then there’s the sea vegetables like kelp, dulse and algae that are nutrient-dense superfoods.

The ocean is one of the most powerful meditative places for me, as it is for many I am sure, but for me being in the presence of the ocean is like being in the presence of God.

Did you know that today is World Oceans Day? World Oceans Day is a global movement to call on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030 (30x30). For more information on how to take action and do your part go to WorldOceanDay.Org

#WorldOceanDay #ProtectOurHome #oceaneyes
