Hello there Spring! Seems like it’s Spring everywhere but in New Jersey! However, lately the sun has been more warming, the flowers are blooming,
and people are outside going for walks and biking. So it does look like the sunshine is here to stay! So goodbye SNOW! We won't miss you. Well maybe until Christmas time.
News: April 30th will be my last day at the Roselle location. The BLUEBIRD is taking flight! I’m currently looking into other spaces for Bluebird Spa and I will keep you all posted!
May 8th is Teacher’s Appreciation Day and I do have a few days available in May for corporate chair events. Contact me for more information.
Please join me for a yoga class at Sunlight of the Spirit Yoga Studio, the instructor will be my good friend, colleague and yogi-licious, Theresa Quick aka Happy Trees! I love Theresa! She has a bright and happy vibe that's completely contagious! Seriously, she makes me feel so joyous whenever we meet up (never let go of people like that in your life) which explains why so many people are drawn to her and to her classes.
Sunday, May 6th at 7:30pm
Sunlight of the Spirit Yoga Studio
685 Morris Turnpike
Springfield, NJ 07081
685 Morris Turnpike
Springfield, NJ 07081
Cost $20
Please don't forget to subscribe to my blog for all my upcoming events and news!
Enjoy the sun today everyone!
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