My favorite season of the year is here. Autumn! It arrives with a chill in the air, and scenic landscapes change to warm spicy colors. Pumpkins, apples and delicious cider donuts are in full swing. I'm currently in the middle of putting away my summer clothes, while thinking about making a butternut squash soup for dinner.
There's something so comforting about the Fall season and it's changes of weather and foliage. For me, it seems like a good season for new things, new adventures...a good time for changes.
Many people believe that the Spring is the time for new beginnings but for me it has always been Autumn. Perhaps because there's only 3 months left before the new year or maybe because the busy summer winds down, children return to school, and I can catch my breath again.
This Fall I made changes in my life. Good and positive changes for me and my family. Yes changes are scary but what's scarier is regret.
There's a saying I read and has stayed with me that goes: "If you don't like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree."
There are three things I need when facing challenges and changes in my life. The first is the support of my loved ones, second is prayer and lastly the power of positive thinking.
I pray and hope this Autumn season brings us all plenty of good harvest for our body, mind and soul.
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